
i'm so bored with the usa.

For two hours it has been the fourth of july. My grip is slipping. I can feel what's important getting away from me. I need something explosive. Hopefully the coming day will provide.

Jayson is going through my old CDs and I am wondering how Craig is doing in Massachusets with his girlfriend who he lives with and his academic career. I imagine that they have a pretty good time. The harbor probably has some amazing fireworks, in the north east being patriotic still seems to have some sort of meaning that can be traced to less conspicuous sources than it can elsewhere. Perhaps they're getting away to another city, or going sailing and wearing light colored clothing and open toed shoes. I sincerely hope that together they share a dog or another pet that requires equal responsibility. I also hope that they are grilling out with couples and beer.

I'll be in echo park watching what cali describes as 'beirut' go down around the lake. What sold me on his recommendation was the vivid descriptions of coke bottle bombs, lovingly made by good old amateur human hands. I hope none of my human hands get blown off in the process.

I thought that there was a walk in my future but it seems like i may be turning in at a more respectable hour this time. As a place where ideas come from, my head is a mite dry at present. So in all of our interests, I should say goodnight here. If anyone knows anything about the LA plants/flower market, you should tell me because i want to know. Remember the Alamo.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Truth be told, it was Betsy who originally called it 'Beirut'. What time are you going???