
from fitted caps to written raps

Tonight we played capture the flag. I was on the team that didn't win, which is a shame, because it seems like you work just as hard when you lose.

Dig the friends, the wet grass, and the relatively cool night air. A drawback was that i kept losing my shoes, because I have no foresight and wore jordan twos with no laces in them to run around in circles. I spent most of the night breathing heavily in 'jail' in wet socks. Cooley mixed a secret old jam that we love and made it sound like something new that I haven't ever heard before. I've been working completely around the clock on writings and recordings and that ain't so bad.

It is now four in the morning and our den is occupied by four dudes who are talking about the tallest girl they have ever slept with. I think mine wins, but heaven forbid I trot my business out on the internet of all places. Consider the shame!

I got a message from June today, and I feel that he has more soul than anyone on earth. As trite as the phrase seems, it's true. He has a heart as big as a lincoln and he always keeps a promise. The hardest thing about having people that you love everywhere is that at all times you are, in way or another, very far from home. If I could play you the message he left me I would. He told me that he was calling because he knew that Jayson and I were 'holding it down', and he wanted to thank us for doing so and also to suggest that we continue to. June, consider that heeded.

if you need me, you can find me in bed.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

i'll let you win.
but you were never my girlfriend.

xo, the tallest.