We are back from the planet. Bobby and me have been on 24 hour party patrol for over seven days.
fuck yeah fest,
Wu-Tang, guns of winston, GSO family reunion, tattoos, friends, many 4 and 5 am walks, wading in a strangely warm pacific ocean at six am this morning. All around, I feel at home everywhere i've been. My friends and the people I love (t) are an inescapable geography. Stray has lagged because i've bottomed out a bit and had a hard time seeing anything but blue, but now things are all on the climb. Thanks y'all for your faces.
Bobby Evans is playing the Dracular instrumental by Bob Marley on the PA which is still set up at the Dillon Street Girls' house and they, Manuel, and Eagles are all on the back porch smoking and talking shit. I am reeling and stoked. Tonight I have to work until 7am. IM me if you're bored. (I'll put my name in my blogger profile temporarily).
I actually had the pleasure this past week of interviewing
my mother about raising a family and how she felt about my brother reade. It's interesting that we never take the time to ask searching and direct questions to the people that are the closest to us about things that we'd really love to know. I am half-vowing to interview most everyone I know at least once in the near future. For the price of coffee you could have a different take on a friend. People do different things when they're on the spot. My Errol Morris phase begins today.
more later, there will be a detailed update on the BR news section of the site, peep that and the new photos if you get a minute. That's it for now. I'm going to go listen to TI over a very high profile crystal waters sample.